Friday, 13 June 2014

Life in a caravan

Good day!

It's been a while. We still haven't got Internet so I am making use of 3G!

We have been in the caravan for a couple of weeks now and the novelty hasn't worn off yet. 

Andy has made us a little walkway with a cover. We've put a shed up that my dad gave us which has become our clothes storage and washing area:

The shed is nearly as big at the house!

The toilet in the house is working so we are just using the caravan bathroom for showers. We bought this box which you plug into the 12v caravan battery and the gas bottle and it instantly squirts out hot water through a shower head. It works a treat! Although you have to go outside to turn it on and off. A minor inconvenience for the moment.

We haven't done any work on the house, but have been doing some work outside. We've tidied up the drive way so we can park our (my) cars on it.

Andy has also started trying to dig up the stumps for the two trees he chopped down so we can clear that area.

We've also been getting some quotes for a topographical survey and have managed to secure a good one. The architect has advised getting one would make the whole planning thing easier as they will be accurate. So, we need to get that done before we can see any drawings from him.

We've also been getting more tree surgery quotes. Really keen on getting the trees chopped back as it is so dark at the front. You sort of drive into a tunnel of trees when you reach our house. It's quite creepy, and a great shame to miss out on the light. We don't know what difference it will make as there are several other trees in close proximity, but we shall see!

We did a car boot to get rid of a lot of our stuff that we thought was too good to chuck but that we didn't want to keep and that went surprisingly well! We got rid of the majority and what was left was packed off to the charity shop.

An update on the field out the back: the beans are growing well! Andy had such joy on his face watching the tractor spraying the field the other week.

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